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Supporting eco-friendly management

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KEITI offers various consulting services and systems to support environmental companies in engaging in eco-friendly management.

Eco-friendly Product-Service Convergence Business Models

  • Foster creative businesses and create jobs by building a business model for the product-service convergence policy that can contribute to the public environmental fields

Environmental Business Management

  • Based on the result of investigation into their environmental management (reality and current situation of how they are engaged in environmental management), provide customized consulting services to and launch eco-friendly campaigns for businesses and non-manufacturing sectors (hospitality, healthcare, etc.)

Environmental Business Designation Program

  • Operate a program that will lead businesses to voluntarily improve the environment by designating businesses with outstanding green management as “green businesses”

Environmental Information Disclosure (ENV-INFO Verification)

Operate an environmental information disclosure program

Discolsure of Environmental Information

Promoting environmentally-friendly business management through a well-established environmental information disclosure program

• Consulting services to resolve difficulties faced when registering environmental information(No. of consulted companies increased from 80 to 97)
• Full document inspection and on-site verification to improve the reliability of disclosed environmental information (from 145 cases to 176 cases)

Eco-Label Products
Eco-Label Products
  • Guide green companies, public organizations and companies with large environmental impact to engage in green management and ensure public organizations achieve their social responsibility by making it mandatory for them to disclose their environmental information
  • Contribute to green loan and investment activities by the environmentally-friendly businesses by offering verified and disclosed environmental information to financial institutions