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Promote eco-friendly consumption

green icon

KEITI is responsible for systems, events and projects to spread the culture of green consumption.

Green Card

Green Credit Card

Green Credit Card

Korea’s first recipient of the “UN ‘Momentum for Change’
Climate Solutions Awards” (November 14, 2017)

18.48 million cards issued(2018)
• Promoting the use of eco-friendly products and raising awareness of the general public and the industrial circle

Green Credit Card.mp4
No. Green Credit Cards Issued
No. Green Credit Cards Issued
  • Using credit card point systems, offer economic benefits (Eco-points) so that the public can readily choose low-carbon, environmentally-friendly consumption.

Green Public Procurement

  • Support and manage mandatory purchase of green products by 920 public organizations, including central governmental organizations, local governments and quasi-governmental organizations, so as to build a market base to give boost to green products

International Cooperation for Sustainable Consumption and Production

  • Fulfill sustainable development goals through cooperation with UN SCP programs; spread sustainable consumption and production in the Asia-Pacific Region; and support overseas expansion of outstanding products and companies that engage in sustainable consumption and production as well as SCP policies

Environmental Consumption

  • Spread the culture of green consumption among the public through various promotional activities, such as education, SNS channel activities and afforestation projects

Green Stores

The amount purchased through Green Public Procurement
The amount purchased through  Green Public Procurement
No. of Green Stores
No. of Green Stores
  • Increase opportunities for consumers to purchase green products and support distribution of green products by establishing a distribution base, such as stores that sell green products
Green Product Mall

Designation of Green Stores

Strengthening a distribution network for eco-friendly products

• Increasing people’s access to eco-friendly products
528 storesdesignated as Green Store across the nation

Green Store
  • Operate “green product only e-market service,” a service that sells green products and offers the products’ sales track record, to make it easier for public organizations to purchase these products

Eco-friendly Interior Renovation

  • Support small and medium-sized interior designers and establish a direct transaction system for environmentally-friendly construction materials, such as those with eco-label certified products


Hold Eco-EXPO Korea


Raising public awareness of environmentally friendly products through exhibition and events

• Promoting business opportunities for environmental firms and culture of sustainability
• 192 companies participated and 432 booths were installed attracting 35,271 visitors(2018)

Hold Eco-EXPO Korea
  • Establish a business forum to invigorate the green industries and markets, such as eco-products, services, technologies, energy, transportation and construction industries