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Sustainable Consumption and Production

green icon

KEITI is responsible for systems, events and projects to spread the culture of green consumption.

Green Card

Green Credit Card

The Green Card system

The Green card is the credit card implemented by the Ministry of Environment to promote green consumption and correspond to climate change, by purchasing green product and riding public transportation, various benefits are provided such as the Ecomoney points.

Main Contents

  • Business contents: providing financial incentives (ex. Ecomoney) to those who uses the Green Card practices the low carbon, eco-friendly life style such as purchasing eco-friendly products, energy saving
  • Operating agency: the Ministry of Environment (overall management), Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute (operating institution), BC Card (operating company)
  • Business status: As of the end of 2021, accumulated 2,108 accounts issued
  • Green Card V1 (Credit, Debit) release: July, 2011
  • Green Card V2 (Crdit) release: November, 2016
  • Awarded 2017 UN Climate Solution Awards ICT Solution prize :November, 2017
  • Green Card V3(Credit) release : November, 2023
  • Business Process: For more information on Green Card issue, Ecomoney rewards program, please visit Ecomoney website (

Green Store

Green Store

Green store build infrastructure and offer information to increase consumer’s access to purchase green products. Consumers can easily purchase green products at “Green Store” and obtain information about green products. The Ministry of Environment designates places that sell eco-friendly products and operate eco-friendly stores as “ Green Store"


Green Store

“ECO-EXPO KOREA” is Korea’s only exhibition to showcase green products and consumption. It aims to enhance communication among the government, business and consumers regarding eco-friendly consumption, as well as to support development and promotion of green products. Since 2005, “ECO-EXPO KOREA” has been attracting around 20,000 visitors annually, providing them with information about green products and eco-friendly consumption.

Green Public Procurement

Green Store

The Green Public Procurement policy for green products is a policy that requires public institutions to purchase green products if there are green products among the items they want to purchse.

It is operated in accordance with Article 6 of the 「Act on the promotion of purchase of green products」 . The Ministry of Environment oversees the policy, and Korea Environmental Industry&Technology Institute(KEITI) operates the policy.